Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Reason

I'm only writing a basic update to take up space. I've missed writing a blog. Mostly because it feels good for me to put my opinions out in the open. I don't try at all to force them down anyone's throats, I just love to express mine. There are actually few things we are truly free to do, and form our own opinions is one we have until we die. I'm a huge advocate of educated discussion and cooperation. I believe it is what advances our understanding of science. Group effort. So I place my ideas in the world just to maybe advance someone's understanding on a particular subject. The more people know about a subject, the smarter the decision they can make about it.

Just my two cents. I'll return with some updates about the situation in space, my opinions on some politics (I usually keep those to myself, but somethings are getting just to ridiculous), and maybe something involving Legos?

Plus, I shall be receiving my new laptop very soon, which will spur my renewed fire to update the blog!